Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Help Wanted: A House Cleaner and Chef

I hate cleaning. I hate cooking. 

I love having a clean house. I love eating.

Do you see my struggle here? Therefore, until we win the lottery and I can get a house cleaner and my own personal chef, I have to suck it up. Instead of completely ignoring laundry and my hungry kids, I plan. I love having a schedule. I love structure. So each Sunday I sit down and plan out the week. Each day I have a certain room/chore that I will do. I also meal plan after seeing sales and what coupons I have. 

Unless the hubby suggests eating out. I jump on that faster than a kid does to a puddle after a rainy day. 

Below is an example of my cleaning schedule. I challenge you to try it for a week. Do it in the morning and then you can enjoy the rest of the day with something clean!

Every day: run Roomba, pick up toys/clutter, dishes
Monday – 3rd floor: start laundry, clean bathrooms, pick up bedrooms, vacuum
Tuesday – 2nd floor: clean living room/dining room/kitchen, finish laundry, clean bathroom
Wednesday: Mop 2nd floor floors
Thursday: Wash towels and sheets

*You may notice I don't mention anything for the 1st floor. That is the kids playroom and I avoid the room like a plague. If I went down there to 'clean' I would just light a match and let everything burn!*


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