Thursday, March 14, 2013

Week 3 - Cleaning Schedule

“I love cleaning and look forward to it every day”. – said very few moms

I do not like cleaning but I love a clean house. I would love a cleaning person but I do not have enough money. See where I am going with this?

Week 3 of our 52 weeks is organizing your cleaning schedule. I have been on a cleaning schedule for about a year now and truly love it. This helps me from getting overwhelmed and cleaning the whole house in one. Chores are assigned to certain days. Therefore, instead of spending 5-7 hours of your Saturday to clean, you spend an hour each day to do something. Below is my cleaning schedule.

Daily: Make our bed, pick up toys, and straighten up counters, dishes
Monday: Laundry, clean 3rd floor (bathrooms, dust, vacuum)
Tuesday: Finish laundry, clean middle floor (bathroom, dust, sweep, clean kitchen)
Wednesday: clean 1st floor (pick up playroom, vacuum)
Thursday: clean floors on middle floor, wash towels and sheets
Friday: any unfinished chores

I challenge you to make a cleaning schedule for the month of April. Let me know how you do. It will take time to get into a groove but trust you will notice how much easier it is to clean.

Or keep waiting for that cleaning lady…………


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Week 2 - Schedules

So how was week 1? Were you able to get some time to yourself or get a full night sleep? 

For week 2 we will be working on our schedules. By having a schedule, you are taking charge of your life. Remember that you are in control. 

Week 2 Goals:

  • ·         Have one planner for everything. Work projects, school activities, events. By having a central location for everything it will be easier to see what your day, week, and month looks like.

  • ·         Make sure you are on the same page with your family. Schedule chores, date nights, and even meals.

  • ·         Have ONE to-do list. Combine the calendars, sticky notes and random pieces of paper and create one list.

  • ·         Schedule all future appointments. Dentist visits, kids doctors, and even your pets veterinarian appointment.

Once a Month ~ schedule dates nights, time one-on-one with your kids and some girlfriend time

Every 3-6 Months ~ Make sure your to-do list up-to-date 

Once a year ~ when buying a new planner make sure you transfer birthdays and anniversaries.
